Saturday, March 22, 2008

Froissart, Monstrelet and the Battle of Otterburn Online

The Johnes translations of Froissart and Monstrelet are available in digital form at Google books. Johnes did the only complete translation in modern English of either. His translations are stilted and less than entirely dependable, but they’re what we have if you want an unabridged modern version.

If you can read French, you can go to Gallica.

Extracts from Lord Berners’ Tudor translation are available here, including the Battle of Otterburn

Robert White’s History of the Battle of Otterburn contains extracts from contemporary chronicles of the battle.

There is also an extract from Fordun’s account of the battle here.


Steve Muhlberger said...

It doesn't look to me that it's all there. Am I wrong? There's a volume 2 of the 1849 edition and a volume 9 of the early (1809) edition but...

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,

Both volumes are there, just at two different places:
vol. 1:

And vol. 2:
