Friday, July 30, 2010

Proclamation Made Before the Combat of Lord Scales and the Bastard of Burgundy: 1467

Since it is so that the most christian and victorious prince our liege lord Edward the IVth by the grace of God King of England and of France and Lord of Ireland, hath licensed and admitted the right noble and worshipful lords and knights, the Lord Scales and of Nucelles brother to the most high and excellent princess the Queen our sovereign lady, and the Bastard of Burgundy Earl of Roche and Lord of Bevere and Bev'esse, to furnish certain deeds of arms such as be comprised in certain articles delivered unto his highness by the said Bastard, sealed by the said Lord Scales with the seal of his arms, for the augmentation of martial discipline and knightly honor, necessary for the tuition of the faith catholic against heretics and miscreants, and to the defense of the right of kings and princes and their estates publics:— for so much we charge and command you, on the behalf of our most dread Sovereign Lord here present, and on my Lords the Constable and Marshall, that no manner of man of what estate degree or condition he be of, approach the lists, save such as be assigned, nor make any noise murmur or shout, or any other manner token or sign whereby the said right noble and worshipful lords and knights which this day shall do their arms within these lists, or either of them, shall move, be troubled or comforted; upon pain of imprisonment and fine and ransom at the King’s will.

The original spelling:
The Proclamacion. Sith it is so that the moost cristen and victorious prynce oure liege lorde Edwarde the iiijth by the grace of God Kyng of Englond and of Fraunce and Lorde of Irlond, hath' licencid and admittid the right' noble and worshupfull' lordes and knyghtes, the Lorde Scales and of Nucelles brothir to the moost high' and excellent pryncesse the Queene oure soveraigne lady, and the Basterd of Bourgon' Erle of Roche and Lorde of Bevere and Bev'esse, to furnysshe certeyne dedes of armes such as bee comprisid in certeigne articl'es delyverd unto his highnesse by the seide Bastarde, seald by the seide Lorde Scales with the seall' of his armes, for the augmentacion of marciall' disciplyne and knyghtly honoure, necessarye for the tuicion of the feith catholique ayenst heretikes and miscreantes, and to the defence of the right' of kynges and princes and theire estates publiques:— for so moche we charge and comaunde you, on the behalfe of oure moost drad Soveraigne Lorde here presente, and on my Lordes the Constable and Marschall', that no maner of man' of what estate degree or condicion he bee of, approche the listes, saufe such as be assigned, nor make any noise murmr or shoute, or any othir maner tokyn' or signe whereby the seide right' noble and worshupfull' lordes & knyghtes which' this day shall' doo their' armes within theise listes, or eithir of them, shall' move, be troublid or comfortid; uppon payne of emprisonement and fyne and raunson at the Kynges will'.

Excerpta historica: or, Illustrations of English history [edited by Samuel Bentley] London, 1831 p. 208

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